Conditions for Admission


Conditions for admission to the 1st degree of study - bachelor study with FEI TU in KOŠICE in 2024/2025 academic year

Pursuant to provisions of Section 56, Subsection 1 of Act No. 131/2002 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on alterations of and amendments to some other related acts, the principal condition for admission to the Bachelor study (1st degree study programme) is completion of full-length secondary study or of full-length secondary vocational schooling. In due accordance with provisions of Section 56, Subsection 2 of the Act FEI determines further conditions for admission to study of individual programmes as follows:

Application submission deadline: May 31st, 2024

Processing fee: 50,00 €

Payment instructions:

    • IBAN: SK82 8180 0000 0070 0015 1433
    • Name of Bank: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava
    • Name of Account: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Letná 9, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia
    • Variable symbol: 052024
    • Remittance information: name and surname, study programme

Address: Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky TU v Košiciach, Letná 1/9, 042 00 Košice

Further conditions, provisions, and notes:

a) Deciding on admission is the Dean, based on recommendation of the admission committee.

b) Sent to the admitted students will be a Letter of Admission.

c) Application is to be sent-in in hard copy form by legal postal channels or submitted personally at the Foreign Students department.

d) Necessary documents:

  • Certified English translation of study reports (transcript of records for the required three years of study, unless these are confirmed by the secondary school in the application),
  • Certified English translation of the GCSE (w/ transcript of records),
  • Certified English translation of the document confirming success in a competition at preferential admission, e.g. a diploma,
  • Cash substitution ticket of tuition fee,
  • Brief CV.

e) Pursuant to provisions of Section 58 of the Act the applicant becomes a student only post enrolment and when met are conditions of enrolment (Details will be set out in the Letter of Admission). Formal enrolment of the applicant is usually held some 2 prior to commencement of the academic year (early September).

f) More details will be made public at when necessary and thus kindly keep visiting the site and follow any possibly new requirements.

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